"current large scale works by Julianne Lord echo the ongoing fascination Artists have for their materials. Using ink, charcoal, paint and paper, Julianne interprets this fascination with a lyrical awareness and is purely abstract in her approach. The works contain a sense of resolve, an interest in composition and a desire to have the mark making sit complete , as new and well formed studies of nature itself, rather than being purely descriptive.’
Celia Gullett. Australian contemporary Artist and art educator.
“Julianne Lord is a very accomplished artist, in both her chosen fields of drawing and painting. Her strengths in the practice of drawing underpin all the work she produces. Great shifts in tonal variation are used to create strong atmospheric effects, creating poetic passages of highs and lows which pulsate through the picture plane.
While Julie has a deep knowledge and skill in the register of tone, she also uses colour with great sensitivity and confidence. Influenced by Monet's late paintings she draws on these complex palettes for inspiration to create her own fields of colour.
Through a skilful process of layering Julie makes areas of optical colour, that shift in the light and glow. The variety in her mark making also enhances this sense of the play of light and movement.
Above all, this recent work embraces both contrast and beauty and causes us to stop and marvel in her captured fleeting moment.”
J.K.Milne. Australian contemporary artist , author & art educator.
Julianne’s works are held in private collections in Australia and internationally.
previous work
Oil on linen and mixed media
Large scale acrylic
Large scale mixed media
small scale oils